quick & dirty

he/him INTJ aropan
dob august 27th virgo (my-UH-lane)

my name is maya

i live in the southwestern united states and i have a dog named roo

i used to work in the medical field until a few years ago when i opened my own tattoo and tattoo supply shop along with some family members

Tumblr is the first place to look for me, but I’m also on Twitter, Discord, and Dreamwidth a lot


I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember, but didn’t discover fanfic until I was searching for Stargate SG1 forums years ago

from there I moved on to X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series, Stargate Atlantis, Sherlock, and Supernatural

Hannibal, Dexter, Star Trek, Firefly, Farscape, NCIS, Sentinel, Dark Angel, Fargo, Stranger Things, and The Blacklist have also been added to my current fandoms